Exam SK0-005

CompTIA CertMaster Labs for Server+ (SK0-005) - Student Access Key

What's included
  • A remote lab environment that enables hands on practice in actual software applications
  • Gradable, hands-on assessments provide an accurate picture of learners’ ability to correctly and efficiently perform job tasks
  • Scenarios aligned with CompTIA exam objectives (SK0-005)
  • License valid for 12 months
Our Price: €175.00

Take your server skills to the next level. We're here to help you gain the skills you need to work in any server environment, from installation to troubleshooting.

What are CertMaster Labs

CompTIA CertMaster Labs for Server+ (SK0-005) enable hands-on practice and skills development using real equipment and software accessed through a remote, browser-based lab environment. Aligned with Official CompTIA learning products such as CertMaster Learn and the CompTIA Server+ (SK0-005) exam objectives, CertMaster Labs make it easy for learners to practice and apply their skills in real workplace scenarios in preparation for the certification exam. All lab activities include gradable assessments, offer feedback and hints, and provide a score based on learner inputs, ultimately guiding you to the most correct and efficient path through job tasks.

There are two types of labs in the course:

  • Assisted Labs guide the learner step-by-step through tasks, offering assessment and feedback throughout a 10-15 minute experience, allowing the learner to correct any misunderstandings as they proceed through the activity.
  • Applied Labs present a series of goal-oriented scenarios in a 20-30 minute experience covering multiple topics, scoring the student at the end of the activity based on their ability to successfully complete each scenario. As a result, learners are forced to think critically about how to approach problems without a prescribed set of steps.

Labs Available:

Assisted Lab: Investigate Server Specifications

Assisted Lab: Deploy Virtualization Solutions

Assisted Lab: Investigate Cloud Instances

APPLIED LAB: Deploy Virtualization Resources

Assisted Lab: Implement Network Encryption by using IPsec

Assisted Lab: Real-time Inventory Management

Assisted Lab: Manage Physical Servers

Assisted Lab: Manage Log Files

APPLIED Lab: Manage Inventory and System Information

Assisted Lab: Configure RAID Storage

Assisted Lab: Deploy a Server

Assisted Lab: Configure Volumes and Partitions

Assisted Lab: Manage Network Configurations

Assisted Lab: Use Network Troubleshooting Tools

APPLIED LAB: Deploy and Configure Servers

Assisted Lab: Complete Post-Installation Administrative Tasks

Assisted Lab: Manage Server Roles

Assisted Lab: Harden the OS and Applications

Assisted Lab: Manage Data Security

Assisted Lab: Use Security Tools

APPLIED LAB: Implement Post-Installation Requirements

Assisted Lab: Configure Backup Solutions

Assisted Lab: Configure NIC Teaming

Assisted Lab: Configure Replication

Assisted Lab: Decommission a System

APPLIED LAB: Manage Availability and Server Decommissioning

Product Information

ISBN: 978-1-64274-366-1

Accessing the Course Materials

An access key and registration instructions will be sent via email after your purchase is complete.

You may then login anytime at https://login.comptia.org/training-products
